Thursday, April 23, 2015

Every day is a gift!

Don't forget to stop and smell the flowers along the way!

Magnum was so happy this morning to run outside and greet the day.  He walked and sniffed all over the yard trailing the bunnies or whatever other critters had visited during the night.  This is his usual routine - but this morning he stopped in the middle of his "walk about" to smell the lilacs!  I happened to have my phone with me and was able to capture him mid "sniff".  He even looks like he is smiling as he inhales the beautiful scent.  A dog's sense of smell is so much more intense than ours - so I can only imagine the powerful fragrance he smells.  Magnum's stop to smell the flowers along the way made me smile and I smelled the lilacs too.  Our morning began with joy!

Later in the morning we went to the hospice home to meet some nursing students from Lewis & Clark Community College.  They would learn about hospice and take a tour of the hospice home.  Today's theme of "joy" continued as we explained to the students that hospice is about LIVING.  My personal philosophy is this:
"There is no such thing as dying, only living life to the fullest until the moment of passing."

Magnum with Lewis & Clark Nursing Students and instructor Vickie Rodgers
That's what hospice does.  It helps people live life to the fullest.  And isn't that how we should be living each day? - to the fullest?  And as Magnum showed me again today - with JOY!

Joy to you all,
Miss Carol and Magnum

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